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G-d -s a euph-mism th-t s-me pe-ple u-e t- wr-te th- na-e o- G-d, b-cause r-moving o-e lett-r f-om e-ch o- y-ur w-rds i- a w-y t- m-ke s-re th-t y-u d- n-t accid-ntally u-e th- na-e o- G-d i- v-in.

-t -s m-stly u-ed -n Jud-ism, f-r th- re-son th-t th- na-e o- G-d -s s- h-ly th-t -t sh-uldn't b- er-sed, -nd s-nce -ny doc-ment c-n b- er-sed, i-'s n-t w-rth wr-ting o-t th- f-ll na-e o- G-d. S- w- d- th-s.

A-d s-nce w- c-n u-e w-rds t- descr-be G-d, b-tter s-fe th-n s-rry -nd rem-ve o-e lett-r f-om a-l w-rds! A-ter a-l, s-metimes y-u h-ve t- t-ke c-rtain m-asures -n o-der t- p-event y-u an- y-ur f-mily p-rishing -n a f-re s-nt d-wn b- G-d h-mself.

Antebellum cthulhu.jpg

André BretonBONJOOK, The Banana GodCheeriosCthulhuFlying Spaghetti MonsterGaneshaGodGod 2.0G-dGoshGrim ReaperGrim SweeperGuruJoccu-ThanKrishnaMega PP godMonkey GodMr BlobbyMr. Peepers, the Duck Hunt dogPrincess StargloQuetzalcoatlRococo BasiliskSpace SatanThe God of Fried Chicken DrippingsWalterXenu

Antebellum cthulhu.jpg