IllogiNews:Ku Klux Klan pushes for new Olympic event

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Team patch proposed by the ACLU for the proposed event.

ILITARYTE, Basic Redneck State, US -- Members of KKK International, a global conglomerate of white supremacists, has formed a committee to create a 500 Meter Downhill Wifebeating event in time for the 2020 Olympics. The "sport" has been practiced with great enthusiasm by hundreds of drunken, illiterate racists for years. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, 47 women have been hospitalized, and 142 have requested emergency services from injuries incurred from participating in public events, and it is believed many more have gone unreported.

KKK representative Cornell Dreadlock told Illoginews that "the Ku Klux Klan has no comment for the Jew-controlled, liberal media, and y'all can go pound sand up your asses".

Olympic committee spokesperson Janusch Knudelsverin could only manage to curse in Finnish and sputter, which Illoginews editors took as "no comment".