A machine for zebras
A machine for zebras[edit | edit source]
A wonderfullufrednow platformer which is unsuitable for anyone under a Frog. Basically, Abe Lincoln would not approve as he loved being under frogs. Anyway the game takes place inside a bananananananananananana.
PLOT[edit | edit source]
A pilot kills a biro. A pilot kills a biro. A biro kills a pilot. After many HNNNNNNNNNGs they finally get along but they crash into the sun and get roasted to a CRISPY CHIPPY CRISP!!! Abe Lincoln appears and his eyes grow big beyond all reason before exploding in a shower of paper. The pilot's corpse explodes in a shower of dubstep. A teenager's ipod explodes in a shower of gore.
CONTRACEPTION[edit | edit source]
It got reviewed very badly by Bad reviews magazine saying that it made you inflate like a blueberry. For that reason many people bought the game and were very satisfied.
BACON[edit | edit source]