A room full of books

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There sure are an awful lot of books in this room.

This is a room full of books.

Types of book that might be found in this room[edit | edit source]

  • Romance novels: books about kissing.
  • Cook books: books about cooking.
  • Dog books: books about dogging.
  • Cat books: books about catting.
  • Books that turn out to not be books at all but sandwiches.

Okay, so, like, what's the point?[edit | edit source]

I don't know. I just noticed that you have been watching a lot of television, playing a lot of video games, wasting a lot of time on the Internet. Maybe try a book for a change? Hey, maybe one of those books will turn out to be a sandwich. I hear those are thing. I know how much you like sandwiches.