AdBlock is a browser add-on designed to stop those pesky advertisements from popping up all over the place while on the Internet. It was developed by two friends who decided to combine their creativity and intelligence to make your Aunt Linda's Farmville experience a little bit more bearable. One time I downloaded Ad Block Plus and it told me to donate sixteen dollers to a company called "Walmart" in exchange for a free beverage.
Has This Ever Happened to You?[edit | edit source]
With AdBlock, that becomes...[edit | edit source]
How It Works[edit | edit source]
It gets rid of ads.
When To Use AdBlock[edit | edit source]
All the time.
Criticisms[edit | edit source]
Critics of AdBlock say that it is causing the Internet to shift into more services being offered on a subscription basis, as the blocking of ads makes ad-revenue a less feasible way of making a profit from a website. Therefore, many encourage users to turn off AdBlock when using sites they enjoy and want to continue being free. Unfortunately, many users don't do this, as they consider the annoyance of ads more important. Still, most agree that AdBlock is a generally bad thing for music. NOTHING.