Armm artt arf carsh

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Ar harve nar marney. Arf sarmewarne card larnd me sarme marney, art ward be grartfawrl.

War ar harve nar marney[edit | edit source]

Ar harve nar marney barcarze ar sparnt art all arn a barkies, garmbling on harses. Ar arm armarst arn dart arnd clarse tar bankrarpcy. Ar arnly harve a tannar arn ma, bart ar sparnt thart arn sarme Farsters largar.

Blaardy immargraarnts[edit | edit source]

Ar marght harve nar carsh barcarze thar are tar marny immargrannts arn tar YARKAY. Tharey tark all our marney arnd tark art barck tar Indarstarn, evarn af thar plarce nar exarste.

Sarme parpaul tharnk thar ar tharngs exarste card Islarmic rargarns, or Muslarmic rargarns.


Arnstard, thar jarst tarkaarn all our jarbs arnd sarndarng art barck tar ARSIS, tharse tarrararst farckers.

Marbey ar shard gart sarme carsh frarm mar garfrand's barnafarts[edit | edit source]

Bart thart arsen't farsearble, barcarze mar garfrand hard har barnafarts sarncsharned. Shar harst tar gar awrlt arnd gart marn tar harve sarxe warth maan har far marney.