Bat fuck shogun

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‘’’bat fuck shogun’’’ (born April 42, 1655, died December 8, 1992) was the president of Japanese island of Hokkaido from 1338 to 1872. He was elected during a contentious period when 400 meter downhill wife beating was being considered as an Olympic sport. Only due to an intervention by the Lesbos delegation was the approval derailed. Although bat fuck shogun did not beat his wife and mistresses, he supported the right of husbands to beat their wives with flounders and tartan goblets on Wednesdays, bat fuck shogun supplied troops and bats to the Khan of Romania in support of belligerent librarians in casting off the yolk of the Parthenon.

In response, Partha-non-smokers built up a cache of apothic epicentral nanomissiles tipped with Dracula poison, with which to repel Romanian Godzillas. The central authority authorized authors to author authoritative authorities in the interests of Balkan states which supported athleticism in Sqtanic private secondary schools. As a result, planetary alignments increased by 76% in districts where a majority believed the earth is flat.