Big Pauly
Overview[edit | edit source]
Big Pauly, also known as the God of Gluttony, is the ultimate food connoisseur. He is most spotted in the popular game Papa's Pizzaria, seen eating all the food. He is a large, round man, with a beautiful, majestic face. If you see Big Pauly, you have 5 minutes to buy him a Hot N' Ready pizza before he devours you as a light snack. He is comparable to Caseoh, his brother, however Big Pauly is easily bigger.
The "Incident"[edit | edit source]
The "Incident" happened when Big Pauly Sr. was left waiting in the Papa's Pizzeria universe. He couldn't control himself, so he ate his entire universe. He was then reincarnated into Big Pauly Jr, normally just known as Big Pauly.
Creation[edit | edit source]
Big Pauly (Jr.) was created when the Greek Gods decided they needed someone to eat all of the extra food. Zues then gave birth to Big Pauly via bluetooth. Big Pauly was unable to control his hunger, and ate every single god.
History of Big Pauly[edit | edit source]
18972 BC[edit | edit source]
Big Pauly Sr. is born
6789 BC[edit | edit source]
The "Incident"
850 BC[edit | edit source]
Big Pauly Sr. reincarnated into Big Pauly (Jr.)
850 BC+[edit | edit source]
Modern Big Pauly's existence
How to Summon Big Pauly[edit | edit source]
Summoning Big Pauly is no easy task. You must collect all 7 Big Toppings and place them around you in a giant pizza circle. Then, open a McDonald's bag, and Big Pauly should appear. Make sure to quickly step out of the circle, as Big Pauly could accidentally inhale you while he's eating the food.
The Big Toppings[edit | edit source]
The Pepperoni of Plumpness
The Anchovie of Adipose
The Olive of Overweight
The Onion of Obesity
The Mushroom of Mass
The Pepper of Pudgy
The Sausage of Surplus
Quotes About the Potential Dangers of Big Pauly[edit | edit source]
"If you don't step out the circle, Big Pauly will inhale you. Always step out the circle." - Albert Einstein
"Big Pauly will be the last thing you see if you forget to step outside the circle" - Isaac Newton
"Big Pauly is literally the fattest person I've ever seen. What do you mean I'm fatter!? This is all muscle!!" - CaseOh (It was not muscle)
Big Pauly's Achievements[edit | edit source]
Big Pauly has had many noteable achievements in life. Here are some of his greatest ones!
- Big Pauly was the first person to ever achieve a weight over 5,000 pounds.
- Big Pauly was the first fat guy to ever exist in this universe. (Big Pauly Sr. excluded as he is not from this universe)
- Big Pauly invented the cheeseburger as a way to cope with the lack of high-calorie foods.
- Big Pauly once ate part of a mountain range, creating the Emigrant Gap.
Big Pauly's Assasination Attempts[edit | edit source]
Big Pauly has survived multiple assasination attempts. Since Big Pauly was massivley amplifying world hunger, multiple activists have attemped to shoot him for the greater good. He has suffered three assasination attempts since his birth.
How Did He Survive?[edit | edit source]
Big Pauly survived the assasination attemps due to the bullets ricocheting off of his fat, gluttoness body. The bullet ricocheted into a woman named John Adams. (NTP)
Big Pauly's Successful Businesses[edit | edit source]
Big Pauly has ran many businesses in the past. However, he has many notable ones. Here's a list including his most successful and notable businesses.
Big Pauly's Animal Control:
This business was so successful as the animals that Big Pauly's employees caught provided extra calories for Big Pauly.
Big Pauly's Food Truck:
With Big Pauly's experience in food, this business provided delicious food to eat., The business was destroyed when Big Pauly attempted to step into the food truck, which ended up breaking it. Big Pauly then ate the scraps.
Big Pauly's Waterpark:
Big Pauly used to own the most succesful waterpark business in the world. It was both affordable and high quality. It was rated 5 stars by every visitor who ever came to the waterpark. However, a real tragedy happened when Big Pauly attempted to use the diving board, which caused a 4000 foot tall tsunami that traveled at 3000 mph. 14 million were killed, and another 32 million injured. 400 million were left homeless. Big Pauly then ate all the corpses along with the severly injured people. Any homes that were damaged but still standing were consumed by Big Pauly.
Big Pauly's Life in Prison[edit | edit source]
Running From the Feds[edit | edit source]
After all his crimes, Big Pauly was unsuprisingly sent to prison. However, catching him was no easy task. The first team of cops were eaten by Big Pauly. After this, a SWAT team was able to lure him in with donuts, but while eating the donuts he accidentally inhaled the entire SWAT team. Soon, the military was sent after him, and they lured him into a prison cell by attaching a rope to a helicopter, and then attaching a donut to the rope.
Prision Life[edit | edit source]
Big Pauly originally had a hard life in prison. He was sentenced to life, however soon was put on death row after eating 4 other inmates. He dropped the soap multiple times, which caused the other inmates to "attack" him. However, they were unable to do anything as they were launched away due to the elasticity of Big Pauly's fat, overweight body. After inhaling the offenders, Big Pauly was brought to the electric chair.
The Great Escape[edit | edit source]
After being brought to the electric chair, Big Pauly immediately ate every guard along with the chair itself. He then rolled into the wall, destroying it instantly and allowing for his escape.