bill wurtz

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bill wurtz is some new yorker that makes music. I think. Let me get my factchecker. Yeah i think im wrong (so does the fact i don't have a factchecker) so how about i tell you this stuff from memory? i remember reading bill wurtz's wikipedia article. or better yet the wikipedia article about him. He makes pretty good music that people like, containing very specific themes like "something is bad" or "good" or the "mailman" is "yet" "to arrive" sorry "about my overuse of quotations but it helps pass the time faster, writing something more complicated. I should end the lead sentence now.

music[edit | edit source]

his music has no genre. however, his style ranges from pop to alternative or something else i forgot. yeah, not the best at telling stuff from my noggin. did i just call my brain a noggin? im getting old (even though i'm not) wip