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About[edit | edit source]

Delí is the ancient sandwich god, worshipped last by the Sandwichians. Although he was thought to have died from The Cursed Wiki, he in fact is still alive today. He currently resides at the top of the Empire State Building, and has a summer house on Big Ben in London. He is said to live there because it reminds him of the tallest sandwich tower, built by the Sandwichians under the command of his prophet, The Meatosaurus Rex.[1] While Delí is said to be the greatest sandwich god, The Meatosaurus Rex, his immortal prophet, handles the meat side of things, Delí himself being vegetarian.

The Way of Delí[edit | edit source]

The Way of Delí is a religion, first documented by the Sandwichians. The Way of Delí consisted of six and a half commandments given to the Sandwichians by Delí. It is said that the Way of Delí was introduced during a storm. According to ancient Sandwichian legend, Delí sent a storm of bread, the Way of Delí carved into every loaf.

Yeast[edit | edit source]

The first commandment was Yeast. Delí only accepted yeasty offerings.

Meat[edit | edit source]

The second commandment was Meat. Brought on before by The Meatosaurus Rex, Meat was readily available by the time the Way was introduced.

Cheese[edit | edit source]

The third commandment of Delí, Cheese. The only good sandwich without cheese is PB&J, which is sacrilegious to the Way of Delí.

Vegetables[edit | edit source]

Vegetables like lettuce and cucumber were added to the mix by Celerilia, the Vegetable goddess.

Condiments[edit | edit source]

Mustard and mayo. Need I say more?

Sides[edit | edit source]

Chips. Cookies. Salads. Delí loved it all.

Ca-[edit | edit source]

Ca- we- worsh- b- th- Sandw- beca- o- the- uni- qual-