
Donuts are these small round things.
They're kind of small.
History[edit | edit source]
One day this guy got some play-doh and put it in a lightbulb, therefore creating ceiling fans. Because of this, we all now know that dictionaries are a creation of the supreme bungee jumping cord. Of course, it originated in Bosnia, not to mention a light shower in Perth in the afternoon. And speaking of books, I'd also like to mention that a large war has started in the shopping mall, although many might define it as a smiggle-smurfy-smash. And now for some complete nonsense:
AAAAAAA 667755&Gggggggg ((((((HAXXOR))))))))) 009009)))) Hellowhatis your anme i 'm trying to type really reallfy fast withotu actually trying so yeah so don't wory abotu7777777788997979797979797
Russian Pictographs[edit | edit source]
Donuts are yummy.
Very yummy.
Let's eat!
Famous eaters of donuts[edit | edit source]
Homer Simpson.
Police officers.
Fun facts[edit | edit source]
The Great Wall of Italy is made entirely of donuts.
Donuts have been known to cause blindness in apples.
Donuts can float in vinegar.