Forum:Hindleyite! Come take your brain medicine

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  • holds up space shuttle's worth of brain medication* Alright. Hindleyite, is this enough for the next 2 hours?

(No offense meant, seriously. You people've gotten lighten up.) -- Asema

hey, dont look at us, its helloolleh for some reason hates you, he's even forgotten why. -- Silent Penguin
Is this true? I thought he was sending me fanmail. -- Asema
Roflpwned, Roplfwned, Goflrwned!
It's because he's a velly not not not nice person.
And by nice I mean not not not not not not not not not not not not nice. -- Mr Metal FLower
hey, this isn't medicine, it's Ribena light! -- Hindleyite
Luckithee, all I got was pixie juice...
all it's doing is making me want to go to the zoo.--Mr Metal FLower
i sit by the window rocking back and forth. Amen.
i get the shocks in the morning. then there's the window all day. Amen.
hahahahahahahahahaha. Amen.--MathPoet 22:05, 19 April 2007 (UTC)
lol! rotflmao! r0x0rz! hax0rz! n00b! teh n000000b! 22:08, 19 April 2007 (UTC)
Wish he wouldn't throw it in the toilet, thats getting annoying--Seppy 22:19, 19 April 2007 (UTC)
"the ka! the ka! the ka!"(A Fish Called Wanda) --MathPoet 22:24, 19 April 2007 (UTC)