Forum:Illogitones: The NEW in thing at the moment!

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Erhem. May I have your attention please? Johnny, get rid of that iscream! Yes, I am aware I said iscream. It's not said that way? Well it is in my world, ponce! BANG BANG! YOURE DEAD! Oh wait, my gun wasn't loaded. You got away with it this time Johnny, but next time I'll attempt to use a rocket launcher. And that will smart indeed. My finger that is. Those rocket launchers are heavy on the trigger...

Sorry, got carried away. Anyway yes, Illogitones. This is my idea for a little extra thing on Illodge. Now I know its a pants idea, which is why I think we should decorate the Illogitones pages with women dressed in nothing but Illogicopedia merchandise (think about it, there isnt any).

Just imagine hearing the Dunno Brothers host that gameshow whenever you get a conference call, or even the OMG Scary Alien whenever your girlfriend sends you an annoying message asking why you haven't spoke to her in over two weeks. ITS BECAUSE YOUR BREATH SMELLS OK?!!

This will probably be a flop because everybody is too busy sending each other pictures of conjoined potatoes via bluetooth. DG |Chatty Chaps| 20:31, 24 Octodest 2009 (UTC)