Forum:Mornington Creasent
Why dont we have a good game of Mornington Creasent.
You will need a map of the london underground.
Ill make the first move, Putney Bridge--Silent Penguin
Tooting Bec--testostereich
Canada Water--Asema
After much deliberation, I think i will go for Notting Hill Gate.--Silent Penguin
Dolis Hill--Hindleyite
- stares at topic, hoping that doing so will result in some kind of understanding*--Mr Metal FLower
Hmm I see--testostereich
God, never in a million years would i have thought of that move.
Harrow-On-The-Hill--Silent Penguin
Brilliant move. I'll have to think about my next one...--Hindleyite
Finchley Road!!!!! I win this game? -- HelloolleH
Now you look like a fool, You where "In Spoon", so that isnt classed as a win under Section 567,980.5, counts as a legal move though, so Ruslip--Silent Penguin 21:53, 18 April 2007 (UTC)
shoulda seen that coming...--Uh-huh, the greastest, inflate-est, china plate-est, non-believer of fate-est, searching for a mate-est, once lived in a crate-est, refuses to masturbate-est guy around :) 22:45, 18 April 2007 (UTC)
Hindleyite is going to really have to rethink his strategy though, If testostereish doesnt move soon he is gonna be boxed in.--SeppyDon't 16:47, 19 April 2007 (UTC)
New Game[edit source]
Hmm... I think that i'll go piccadilly, but, naaah. South Wimbledon.--Zerotrousers 08:04, 22 April 2007 (UTC)
I'm sorry but I'm going to have to take your first answer. Embankment.--SeppyDon't 11:13, 22 April 2007 (UTC)
Damn, I should have read the rules properly. You got me in a bit of a spot there, sp. Hmmm.... I know. Waterloo.--Zerotrousers 06:38, 23 Arply 2007 (UTC)
well, your opening move is the most important move, and you left it wide open, I think I will go for, South Kensington.--SeppyDon't 15:25, 23 Arply 2007 (UTC)
eek, i should have thought this through better. Oh well, desperate times call for desperate measures, so, Bond Street.--Zerotrousers 01:08, 24 Arply 2007 (UTC)
Ah woops, sorry, Northwood hills, Er, that's the best I can do.--SeppyDon't 16:30, 26 Arply 2007 (UTC)
That was a bad move. South Kensington.--Zerotrousers 03:36, 2 Aym 2007 (UTC)