Goobie Snoobert: A Menace to Society

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Look at this smug criminal face.

About[edit | edit source]

Goobie Snoobert is a gJrK3(oq;{ year old cat that has committed thousands of crimes. Some will even put it in the context that he is a MENACE TO SOCIETY. Do not approach. Just for you to get an idea of how IMMEASURABLY CRIMINAL this cat is, here is a list of crimes he's committed.

List of Crimes[edit | edit source]

(soon to be added…)

Car Theft[edit | edit source]

On August 11th, 2012, he stole a car from an individual of unknown name.

Abandonment[edit | edit source]

On October 4th, 2015, Goobie Snoobert has obtained a human girlfriend named Evelyn Snoobert. A day later, they decided to go on a camping trip together. In the middle of the night, Goobie Snoobert left Evelyn to rot in the woods. Evelyn was later found by a herd of deer. The deer did what any normal deer would do about Evelyn's situation: run around, stand still in front of cars, eat food using Evelyn's face as a plate, and cleaning it off later. Evelyn soon died of third-degree burns somehow caused by the deer.

Encouraging One To Skydive Without Parachute[edit | edit source]

Yeah, this one's pretty stupid.

About: Part 2[edit | edit source]

I would include more crimes this delinquent has committed, but it would make too long and too boring of an article.