Happy Pills

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Are you skunk enough to fish for pianos? Buy Camels and you'll never sod a bed in Nod. I sucked the rainbow till it was dry and lonely. I sucked it, flup. And here's Billy Mays with the weather. OXYCLEAN FOR LUNCH AND MIGHTY MONKEY FOR ALGERNON ULAN BATOR. CHONG FONG BONG WONG DONG. All of a sudden, Confucius say man who fart in pew sit in own church. In my day, Pluto was a planet. Then it died of leprosy. But it doesn't make a difference, because...HITLER ONLY HAS ONE BALL, AND YOU'VE GOT NO BALLS AT ALL, LALALALALALALA…

Spontaneously combusting Bibles! Pyrotechnic demagogue! And now for the Mars Volta....GLOSSOLALIA COATS MY BONG/BUT IT WILL NOT LAST FOR LONG/GHLAGHLAGHLAGHL(we've sunk so low we made a Jerkcity reference!) In conclusion, the ouroboros is a symbol of the Teflon age of death, we will fly like toasters, we will fight back against the charging horde! The straw that broke the camel's back right there.