Hawaiian Clerics

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The bulls head is wider than the sun larvae.

  • train noises*

Reccommended listening for this article: "Pull Up" by Mr. Vegas, "Panini" by Lil Nas X (er, well, not really, this was just what was going through my head while writing this last night)

what is dogsfood, if not pigsfood?[edit | edit source]

Cut the rope! Cut the wire! Cut the, cut the, cut the....
If water exists, show me where it is.
Oh Snap! Lookit the bison snowboardin'! Lil Bobby's watchen em, just like he's watching you. *turns around*

Gator Rafting for Dummies™[edit | edit source]

So a bowlegged, potbellied, humpbacked, and mohawked dude with a flute can get all the girls in town pregnant but you still get zero bitches? Funny innit. Anyways, I'm still stuck on the roof of your RV and I've no way down.

Mm. But have I told you about the time I stole a replica of the Eiffel Tower - and got away with it?

- - The Returning Electrical Snakes of the Himalayan Mountain Range - -[edit | edit source]

Yeah, man. It's making the camels panicky. Last time they Returned™, they moved the pyramids around (excluding the Luxor) and made seven foot five armed snowmen. Scary stuff. At least they're not bumping the cacti. Last time some baby fell off a enclosure fence skeleton tower and bumped a prickly pear. Even though the stuffed animals drew every so slightly closer, it wasnt too bad.


(describin' helen, geawhgia in great detail, if not an almost-exact copypaste of its wp article ... or williams, arizona. yuh with me? maybe wickenboig - even bettuh de quality inn in wickenboig, arizona. yuh got me so fahr?)

(hell yeah that'd be funny as hell. right? doan fawhget de yak statue outside dat one inn. okay?)

Pour un décollage assisté, demandez á un amide tenir votre cerf-volant á 15,24 métres de vous, sous le vent, puis demandez-lui de le relacher.[edit | edit source]

I proceeded to wake up in a cold sweat upon realizing this was the Hoover Dam souvenir shop. My God! So this WASN'T The building with all the exotic-looking Floridian birds where the mooses had broken into! How embarrassing! I made a mental note to send my friend a postcard about this - on the Lisa Frank stationery, of course - and with much dismay, istaod up and walked out of the store. Made suve to toss a penny off the side before I left the Dam.

Non-isolated incidents occurring on National "Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor's Doorstep" Day[edit | edit source]

  • Fourteen dollars worth of soda put into an oven at a Domino's location
  • Johnny did time - grand theft auto, till he won some cash, in the New York lotto
  • The invention of Spilk™ (sprite milk)
  • The Pudding Spoon Controversy

Origins / Popularity / Illegality in Saudi Arabia[edit | edit source]