HowTo:Pick Up A Glass of Water

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Acronym Technique. This Part Is Very Long & Possibly Will Contain a Hidden Rickroll[edit | edit source]

Now that I got that out of the way, It's time for me to teach you how to pick up a glass of water, orange juice, dQw4w9WgXcQ or anything else. You need to understand the acronym SUGON. First, you need to submit your hands into the right position. Did you do it yet? I'm just an article, so I can't tell. Next, you need to understand what you are doing. This means that you shallmustnotn't get distracted. Even if a horse is breakdancing on your kitchen table, don't get distracted. Next, you need to get your hands close to the glass. Or you can do it the other way around, and glass your hands close to the get. Then, you must operate this technique, which means that you need to understand the acronym SUGON. First, you need to submit your hands- Wait, I already said that. Is this déjà vu? Or possibly vújà de? Maybe it's jévà du. I forgot. Anyway, lastly, you need to snatch the glass and pick it up to your food eatery hole. And that's how you pick up a glass using the SUGON method.

The tl;dr For The Previous Section[edit | edit source]

Submit hands into correct position. Understand what you are doing. Get your hands close to glass. Operate technique. Snatch glass and eat it.

Why Use the SUGON Method?[edit | edit source]

It's pretty simple to understand why we need to use the SUGON method. Sugon deez nuts- OH GOD THE NCAC (National Cheezit Arrestation Center) IS AT MY DOOR I GOTTA GO