HowTo:Save the World with a Cheezit

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So, think of this. You see a gigantic meteor heading toward your house. All you have is a Cheezit. Here's how to save the world with that one Cheezit.

Step Eins[edit | edit source]

Stand in front of the meteor.

Step Zwei[edit | edit source]

Throw your cheezit at it.

Step Drei[edit | edit source]

You still have spare uranium lying around, right? If so, pour some onto a cheezit and then throw the cheezit at the meteor.

Step Vier[edit | edit source]

Wait for about 4 seconds. You should be able to see your Cheezit multiplying.

Step Fünf[edit | edit source]

Watch as the uranicheezit completely stops the meteor and leaves it floating in the air.

Step Sechs[edit | edit source]

In about 40 years, the uranicheezit should have started a colony consisting of many other uranicheezits. And that's how you save the world. (sorry if this cheezarticle felt a little rushed)