Ice Breakers Garctic Ape Flavor
After many grueling months without a single sign of Ice Breakers content, we are back! For our comeback flavor, we'd like to pay a tribute to our first ever flavor: Arctic Grape. Now, we bring you its weirdo cousin: Garctic Ape flavor! Garctic Ape is full of flavor and packed with a soury punch that makes you scream.[1]
Ingredients[edit | edit source]
Ingredients of this gum include: chewed up school erasers, dry McDonald's french fries, Cheezits, the letter Q, failed math tests, and a chunk of the Earth.
Vitamin Information[edit | edit source]
With this gum, we're gonna go on a new route. This gum is jam-packed with vitamins, including:
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B
- Vitamin Z
- Vitamin PB&J
- Vitamin S
- Vitamin CD[2]
Side Effects[edit | edit source]
Side effects of this gum include death, Steve Jobs getting resurrected and turning into your fridge, Steve Jobs suing you because he is now a fridge, getting your house stolen by a Subway worker, legally changing your name to Charmander... Did I mention death?