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Item List[edit | edit source]

Name Description Use
Gnomish Handgun Peashooter. Damages
Gnomish Bread Delicious, deadly-smelling bread. Lets the user see dead people. Tastes good too.
Gnomish Whistle A copper whistle. Summons a gnomish doom kitten.
Onion Ring A very hard onion ring. Used to pick open doors.
Enchanter's Rod An enchanting rod. Lets you consume up to one rune in spells.
Healer's Vial A healer's vial. Do awesome, cancer-curing stuff.
Harem Woman's Veil A veil. Uhh...
Toilet Seat A toilet seat. Damages
Gnomish AutoBlocker 9000 Some device that helps block damage. Armor
Draconic SuperElemental Runes A set of pretty, colorful stones. ???
Rock A rock! You could probably paint it... Make it into a pet
Bucket of Mixed Paints Paints. Well, guess...
Canvas A blank canvas. Paint on it or damages.
Truely Strong Coffee Mmmm!! Restores two wounds.