IllogiNews:Broadway Stages Coup

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New York, New York, July 20, 2014 - In the wake of Arizona seceding from the United States, with revolution in the air fermenting a possible civil war, it was announced today on Broadway that Broadway producers were going to stage a coup. They also hinted at a possible plan to take over the government, but the coup had to be staged first.

"The plan is to send a big truck out into the country to a chicken farm we have partnered with, and get the chicken coup, load it on to the truck, and bring it into the city so that we can put it on stage," said Ertz Hicklebutt, the prominent Broadway producer who created such hits as Avenue Quaker, Fiddler in the Basement and Frederich Nietzsche Superstar. "We are finally bringing urban and rural living together in the ultimate act of pretentious performance art!"

Art dealers have already started bidding on the as yet to be excreted chicken poop, which will come on the open art market after a month-long exhibit in the Metropolitan Museum of Art as soon as the show closes. "I just hope it's an open air market," said one art dealer. "That's all I'm saying."

Ever since it was made a capital crime to even suggest that anything might be crap, and not just in somebody's goddamn opinion but actually crap, there just hasn't been anything or anyone around in our so-called culture to stop this. At least not since the K Foundation ceased its operations in 1995.

Tickets go on sale soon.