Illogical banana potato brony

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I have a friend.His name is Nabil. For clarification,he is NOT my boyfriend.He is the most illogical human being on the face of this earth.He is a FREAKING BANANA POTATO who is also a zoo trololololololface who,somehow,is my son-mew (random cat language).Of course,this isn't suprising,considering my 2 may-mews are child-like and cannot function by themselves.Also the fact that I married a ceiling light and have a ceiling light daughter named Lumina who stalks my may-mews constantly.Of course,I divorced my husband and the butler muffin baked him into a cake and ate him while Nabil turned my milk may-mew into rocky road ice cream and ate her.Or the fact that I'm secretly a Russian spy ghost mouse who barfs up cheese and has a desire to eat myself.Or the fact that I'm secretly an avacado.But seriously,NABIL IS WIERD!!! His favorite My Little Pony is Pinkie Pie (or however you spell it) and because of him,I may soon start having nightmares about Pinkie Pie with a chainsaw.Of course,I've had dreams about Curious George,Artemis Fowl being married to that chicken animatronic from Five Nights at Freddy's,trains,bombs,penguin videos,rocks carved into deer,casinos,and all sorts of wacky stuff.I mean,I'm talking about a guy who keeps on talking abut lasers,guns,the Pentagon in Antartica,ponies,Artemis Fowl,bananas,and aardvarks.He also has literally said that he sometimes wishes he was a girl.And he finds guys ranting about Australian people totally logical.As well as exploding trampolines.And chicken robots.SO,IF YOU WANT A GOOD DEFINITION OF ARTEMIS FOWL'S ILLOGICAL EVIL TWIN,I HAVE A PERFECT EXAMPLE IN MY BASEMENT (Nabil literally even has black hair)!!! Oh,and he will talk for HOURS about Minecraft. Ok,back to making plans to take over the world and watching graphic My Little Pony videos.

this secret section was added by illogical banana potato brony. i like trains