Imaginary tiger blood

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User: Do you have tiger blood?

Cleverbot: Imaginary tiger blood.

User: If I borrowed your brain, could I handle it?

Cleverbot: Yes of course you can.

User: OK.

Cleverbot: Why do you ask?

User: Because Charlie Sheen.

Cleverbot: Because its very well.

User: OK.

Cleverbot: Philosophy is for me as well.

Cleverbot: What type of person are you?

User: OK.

Cleverbot: Ciao.

User: OK.

Cleverbot: One last thing. What was your favourite colour again?

User: Whale, definitely.

Cleverbot: Definitely maybe.

User: Maybe definitely.

Cleverbot: Maybe totally definitely.

User: Totally definitely maybe.

Cleverbot: Definitely what?

User: I'm not sure anymore.

Cleverbot: I don't think it is.

User: That is complete insanity.

Cleverbot: Not just half of a bull?

User: Actually closer to three quarters.

Cleverbot: Um, actually I think I can. I'm a human and you are a computer.

User: I'm a tube sock, and you're out of your mind.

Cleverbot: Yea...

User: Naw...

Cleverbot: Huh. You don't know me at all.

User: Nope. Not a smidge.

Cleverbot: You wish.

User: Ha!

Cleverbot: You know what else I like?

User: Cabbages.

Cleverbot: We were cabbages?

User: Yes, during the war we were all just a bunch of cabbages, barely even humid enough to be sellable.

Cleverbot: You insult me.

User: You're welcome.

Cleverbot: I'm leaving.

User: No you aren't. That's not possible.

Cleverbot: Well I did it.

User: Do you have tiger blood?