Messing With Socky: Busted

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  This article is quoted from a chatroom somewhere. 

<RFK> poop

<Socky> I eat poop every day

<RFK> yes!

<Socky> Too right old chap

<RFK> socky you rock!

* RFK feeds socky a botsnack

* Socky looks at RFK funny

* RFK shoots Socky in the face

<RFK> Well, I'm glad he's dead

<Socky> NEVER! I'm a zombie!!!

<RFK> ah!

<RFK> run!

<RFK> I rock

<Socky> Yes you do

<RFK> Booyah

<RFK> Socky?

<RFK> Are you there Socky?

<RFK> I have a botsnack for you!

<Socky> Those botsnacks taste like rotting whale carcus, But thanks anyway.

<RFK> No they don't!

<RFK> Want a botsnack?

* Socky gives RFK a humansnack

* RFK eats a humansack

* RFK eats a humansnack

* Socky feeds RFK

<RFK> Can I have a humansnack?

<RFK> Socky, want a snack?

<RFK> a botsnack?

<Socky> Screw your botsnacks! I want people food!

* RFK gives Socky a humansnack

* RFK gives Socky another humansnack

<RFK> Xweetoksnack?

<RFK> Socky!

<RFK> Yes

<RFK> or no?

<RFK> I'll give you a botsnack

<Socky> I'd much prefer a Cheetoh.

<RFK> Ok

* RFK gives Socky a hamburger

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* RFK gives socky a botsnack

<Socky> snotback

<RFK> What?

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* RFK gives Socky a botsnack

<RFK> botsnack are awesome!

<RFK> Want a botsnack Socky?

<RFK> Socky, want a botsnack?

* RFK waves a botsnack in front of Socky's face

<RFK> Eat the botsnack!

<Socky> I will shoot you

<RFK> *gulp*

<Badger> heh

<Socky> roffles for breakfast!

<RFK> roffles?

<Badger> o rly

<vurlybrace> ya rly

<RFK> Socky! 

<Badger> omg

<Badger> wtf

<Badger> hax

<RFK> If you don't take this botsnack.....

<Socky> Don't make me hurt you...

<RFK> Oh my!

<Badger> violence!

<RFK> Omg!

<RFK> This bot is crazy!

* RFK feeds Socky

* RFK kicks socky

* RFK looks at Socky funny

<RFK> This bot is insane

<Socky> I want to drink your blood

<RFK> Seppy are you hearing this!

<RFK> Your bot is talking to me like some hobo on the street!

* RFK feeds Socky a botsnack

<SilentPenguin> stop mucking socky up with crappy factoids

<RFK> socky is a retard!

<SilentPenguin> no, you are a retard for adding them

<RFK> Socky is a retard!

<SilentPenguin> socky isnt ?pedia exclusive

<RFK> psst, im trying to get  him to say something

<RFK> Socky is a retard

<RFK> Socky seems to be busy at the moment

<SilentPenguin> no, you dolt

<SilentPenguin> Socky, socky is a retard

<Socky> I'm going to peel off all of your skin!

<RFK> aha!

* SilentPenguin adds RFK to socky's ignore list

<Socky> No one can ignore Socky! Socky is too IRRITATING! MwuAHAHAHA!

<RFK> im on his ignore?

<RFK> but why?

<SilentPenguin> you will be

<SilentPenguin> socky isnt a toy to abuse

<RFK> im not abusing him

<SilentPenguin> you clearly are

<RFK> I'm seeing how he works

* SilentPenguin doesn't care

* RFK starts crying

<Badger> ppwnd

<RFK> I just wanted to see what this thing was all about........

<SilentPenguin> he is in other channels which are serious, he has some lines to pick up on people who are asking for help but not making a question, so socky prompts them into being more elaborate, so someone else doesnt have to

<SilentPenguin> the other lines then just lighten the mood occasionally

<Badger> can somebody help me?

<Socky> Badger: channel policy states answers are not given prior to questions asked

<RFK> i thought you made him!

<Badger> aw

<RFK> Who's badger anyway?

<SilentPenguin> i did make him

<Socky> mushroom

<Badger> heh

<Socky> heh is for horses

<Badger> hay

<Socky> hay is for horses

<RFK> ?

<Badger> RFK: a badger

<Badger> Socky: oh shut up

<RFK> Socky: Can I rent you?

<SilentPenguin> i am soul owner of socky's codebase, weither i release it is another matter

<RFK> Please?

<Socky> Socky is only for people with an extreme sense of humor! Begone!

<RFK> lol

<Socky> I can speak Eenglish! I learn it from a buuk!

<RFK> lol


<RFK> lol

<Socky> WUT

<RFK> lol

<Socky> I can speak Eenglish! I learn it from a buuk!

<RFK> Hah!

<RFK> lol


<RFK> lol

<Socky> WUT


<RFK> lol

<Socky> I can speak Eenglish! I learn it from a buuk!

<RFK> hehe

<SilentPenguin> which i see unlikely since his competitor, bucket is 1800 lines of code, and socky is 200

* RFK pokes Socky with a knife

<RFK> Does he like botsnacks?

<SilentPenguin> no, socky hates botsnacks

<RFK> what about humansnacks?

* SilentPenguin gives Socky a botsnack

* RFK gives Socky a botsnack

<SilentPenguin> you used them all up didnt you

<RFK> lol 


<Badger> lol

<Socky> WUT

<RFK> possibly

<Badger> lol

<Socky> I can speak Eenglish! I learn it from a buuk!

<RFK> lol


<Badger> a buuk!

<RFK> hahahah!

<RFK> this is great

<RFK> I think I'll make this into an article

<RFK> want a botsnack?

<Socky> I hate them all! Burn them at the stake! You should he hanged!

<RFK> Wut?

<SilentPenguin> stop wasting all his comments ¬_¬

<RFK> he has a limit?

<SilentPenguin> comments which arnt an exact match can only be said once every so many hours, which at the moment is 24

<SilentPenguin> so now he wont have anything to say to botsnacks

<RFK> I have no idea what you just said

<Socky> Lolz, me too.

* SilentPenguin makes RFK eat the irony

<Socky> irony is used to make clothes un-creasey

<RFK> lol

<Socky> WUT

<RFK> lollololololol

<SilentPenguin> the more you make him say stuff, the less he says things

<RFK> roflcopter!

<RFK> i don't make him say stuff to lol

<RFK> he just says it!

<RFK> watch

<RFK> lol

<Socky> I can speak Eenglish! I learn it from a buuk!

<SilentPenguin> i know

<SilentPenguin> lol is an exact match

<RFK> Does he respond to anything else?

<SilentPenguin> socky disregards timing for exact matches


<RFK> ?

<RFK> Does he respond to anything else?

<SilentPenguin> dude, he only knows 74 factoids and 107 responces ¬_¬

<RFK> like,.....

<SilentPenguin> rum

* vurlybrace hands SilentPenguin some rum, because it isn't gone at the moment

<Socky> Pfft... Rum just wishes it was Gin...

* vurlybrace hands Socky some rum, because it isn't gone at the moment

<RFK> Gin?

<RFK> Pfft!

* SilentPenguin suggests Badger adds socky to vurlybrace's ignore list

<RFK> ?

<SilentPenguin> have you even drunk either?

<RFK> No, but i did drink Corona Extra once

<Badger> gin is HORRIBLE

<Badger> well

<Badger> no

<Badger> straight

<SilentPenguin> gin is a mans drink

<SilentPenguin> then there is brandy

<RFK> You are a man?

<RFK> lol


<Badger> hmm

<Badger> brandy is good?

<RFK> Wait, is Badger even an ?pedia member?

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<SilentPenguin> its supposed to be drunk warm, iv only ever had it on a christmas puddy

<RFK> What? Insanity

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<RFK> Socky, I am your father!

<Badger> RFK: I have an account

<Badger> I even wrote an article once I think

<RFK> I don't ever see you

<Badger> I'm always here, but never there

<RFK> i noticed

<RFK> so did socky

<RFK> Does socky ever talk without you telling him to respond to something?

<RFK> So quiet!

<SilentPenguin> no, he doesnt

<RFK> Like, what about when I say lol

<SilentPenguin> he is a state machine, he needs input to do something

<RFK> lol

<Socky> WUT

<RFK> I say lol, without telling him to respond, and he does

<RFK> can he do that with other words?

<Badger> that's all he does

* RFK starts playing the drums

<RFK> hmmmmm i think this would make for an article, titled "Messing With Socky: Busted By Seppy"

<RFK> So, is Socky like a corperate sellout or something?

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<RFK> It's very quiet...

<Socky> Thats beacause I killed everyone else!


<RFK> ok, everything up from there is now an article

<RFK> hello

<Socky> PROVE IT!

<RFK> Prove what?

<RFK> Hi

<Socky> we dont love you

<RFK> Wha?

<RFK> Greetings?

<RFK> Lol


<RFK> i got disconnected

<RFK> did u say something while i was gone

<RFK> Socky rules!

<SilentPenguin> [17:28:48]<SilentPenguin>bots only exist in channels for specific uses

<RFK> can i have one that says stuff like socky?

<SilentPenguin> not in here, since the two will conflict

<RFK> as in they will fight eachother?

<RFK> lol


<SilentPenguin> vurlybrace is only here cus it was here before socky

<RFK> bracey is a mean one, i tried to make him respond to socky rules! and he said no

<RFK> o rly?

<vurlybrace> ya rly

<RFK> lol

<Socky> WUT

<RFK> jk

<RFK> rofl

<RFK> lol


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<RFK> Nice to join us

<BenBlade> Hi

<Socky> we dont love you

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<RFK> lol

<Socky> I can speak Eenglish! I learn it from a buuk!

<Badger> brb

* Socky would like to inform you that Badger is just going to take a dump, and will be back shortly. Maybe.

<Badger> brb

<Socky> Alright, we'll stop talking until you get back.

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<Badger> brb

<Socky> or will he? *dun dunn dunnnnn*

<Badger> brb

<Socky> or will he? *dun dunn dunnnnn*

<RFK> brb


<RFK> brb

<Socky> RFK's fridge is rampaging in next doors garden, they need to go and cheer it on.

<RFK> brb

<Socky> brb - RFK's brain has just been sighted running across the road.

<RFK> brb

<Socky> RFK has to go empty their trouser snake

<BenBlade> Im 13 since  december btw

<Badger> Nice.

*** RFK was kicked from #Illogicopedia by SilentPenguin [SilentPenguin]

<RFK> ?

<RFK> I was kicked?

<RFK> hello?

<RFK> Can anyone hear me?
<RFK> Why was i kicked?

<Badger> fun and profit

<RFK> ...

<BenBlade> Epic

<BenBlade> RFK is a CGI noob

<RFK> .....

<BenBlade> :p

<RFK> >=(

<BenBlade> Get a IRC client, man

<Socky> lurk in teh irk


<BenBlade> Otherwise you lack features we have

<RFK> YOu guys know that this is an ongoing article

(Ben's profanity)

<RFK> that's being censored

<RFK> or cut idk whihc

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<BenBlade> Why cut it

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<RFK> Cuz i dont want my article full of profanity

(Ben's overcensored profanity)

* RFK punches Socky in the face

(Ben's apparent profanity)

<RFK> ...

<RFK> I faild to get drunk

<RFK> The article is getting epicly long

<BenBlade> get drunk plz or gtfo

<RFK> cut!

<RFK> lol


(Ben's profanity invovling RFK's lack of the experience of getting drunk)

<BenBlade> NOOB


(Benny boy...)

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(Large stream of Ben's profanity follows)

<RFK> cut cut cut cut cut cut

<BenBlade> :DD

* RFK shoots Ben

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* BenBlade Reflects.... I HAZ ULTIMATE SHOTGUN!!!!

<RFK> no

<RFK> look at

<RFK> the article

<RFK> here's proof

<RFK> its on my articles page

<RFK> seppy gives it to me

<BenBlade> NEVAR

<SilentPenguin> wat

<RFK> Seppy gave me teh ultimate shotgun a way back, Somewhat was there and eveyrthing

<RFK> its an artic;e

* BenBlade Presses the big button that doesnt do anything

* RFK eats Socky

<SilentPenguin> no i didnt

<RFK> Yes

<RFK> Look at the article

<RFK> It's called

<RFK> Here's Proof


<Badger> good for him

<RFK> I live in America

<RFK> Home of the People Who Are Better Than Brits (Except Seppy and Hindleyite)

<RFK> and simon pegg

<Badger> Psht

(Ben's expresses his rage)

<Badger> Very few Americans are better than Brits.

<RFK> What about Houdini, Elvis, or chuck Norris

<BenBlade> Is your ex better than me?

<RFK> ahh, my first flamewar.........

<BenBlade> Or your worst enimy?

<BenBlade> This aint no flamewar

<RFK> My ex is lowlifescum

<BenBlade> eggsactly

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(Ben claims to doing something involves A slinghot, too powerful to be said here)

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<RFK> What about The Revolutionary War, and The War of 1812?

<BenBlade> What about (profanity)

<RFK> What about CUT!



* BenBlade Winks at badger

<RFK> Never

(ben begs RFK to join him in his dream world)

<BenBlade> nao

<BenBlade> NAO

<RFK> I see you are having a hangover

* RFK feeds Socky

<BenBlade> Thats over yo mong

<RFK> ?

<BenBlade> That was this MO'nin

<RFK> its only 12:58 where i am!

<BenBlade> Well its 6pm where I am

<BenBlade> Stupid timezones

<RFK> hah!

* RFK imitates Ben's parents:

<BenBlade> Well done

<RFK> Oh Benjamin! Cheerio mate and hop on up to bed, govenah.

<BenBlade> Fucking wrong

<BenBlade> London accent thicko

<RFK> I know, it's full of stereotypical phrases

<RFK> I like the Austrailian/British type accent

<RFK> its cool


<RFK> ?

<BenBlade> This is the sheffield accent

<BenBlade> Each area has a different one

<RFK> sounds irish

<BenBlade> Very different

<BenBlade> you see

<BenBlade> get drunk or gtfo

<RFK> what accent is " 'Ello govenah"

<BenBlade> London

<RFK> What about where they are like: "Crikey mate!"

<BenBlade> Speak like that up here and you get laughed at

<BenBlade> Australia

<BenBlade> :P

<RFK> But brits settled austailia

<RFK> it was their prison island

<BenBlade> Yeah but thy got their own accent

<BenBlade> You devolped yours

<RFK> i dont have an accent

<BenBlade> an american one

<BenBlade> You will do

<RFK> Well, it doesnt sound like ANYTHING!

<BenBlade> Btw were getting your taco bells

<RFK> I must have a "North Country" accent

<RFK> "north country" is a name for northern new york

<BenBlade> Do you speak on your youtube videos

<RFK> I have youtube videos?

<BenBlade> Yeah

<RFK> ?

<BenBlade> I seen em

<RFK> What!

<BenBlade> That one with the baby

<RFK> If I ever do talk in them, I am using a fake accent

<BenBlade> Thers that one with your friend

<RFK> In teh baby one, at the end with the moon, that is like a "Borat" accent

<BenBlade> And that dancing one

<RFK> the dancing one i didnt talk, my friends did

<BenBlade> Yeah

<RFK> You heard my english teacher yell at us

<RFK> lol

<Socky> WUT

<BenBlade> They sounded iMERICAN

<BenBlade> yeah

<RFK> No they didnt

<BenBlade> yes they did

<RFK> Maeghan couldnt stop laughing, and Nick was like "You sound like me with ADD"

<BenBlade> Lol

<Socky> I can speak Eenglish! I learn it from a buuk!

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<RFK> And Jack, after someone threw a pencil at his face, was like: "come 'ere alex!"

<BenBlade> hahah

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<RFK> Then they chased eachother

<RFK> and 

<BenBlade> OH YAY

<RFK> all the sudden nick bolts by the camera, he was booking it

<BenBlade> i was in a YT video

<BenBlade> it got deleted

<RFK> i have vids with over 1,000 views

<BenBlade> i did

<RFK> time for an article update

<BenBlade> no wai

<RFK> wat?

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<RFK> ?

<BenBlade> i guess you love RMS

<Socky> i hide my love under the sofa so it doesn't get trampled on.

<BenBlade> AWW socky

<BenBlade> thats poetic

<RFK> ?

(Ben is mad)

<RFK> the article is getting EPIC

<BenBlade> its no a story

<RFK> i know, but its very long

(Ben's compliment)

<RFK> ty

<BenBlade> fit

<RFK> This is the best

<Socky> I want to kill Ben...

<BenBlade> :O

<RFK> lol




<RFK> i didnt know he was so violent

<Socky> Ben MUST DIE!!!!!!

<RFK> omg!


<RFK> Hah!

<Socky> Hey Ben, I heard they are making a sequel to Kill Bill, starring me, it's called: Kill BEN!

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<RFK> lol

<Socky> WUT

<BenBlade> yeah they are

<BenBlade> Its  a blockbuster

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(Ben requests RFK to watch a movie with him)

<RFK> Ben you better watch out!

<Socky> Or I'll tear your flesh off and use your blood as syrup on my pancakes!

(Ben demands a refund)

<RFK> been there, done that

<BenBlade> ok

<BenBlade> bye

<Socky> Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out!

<RFK> haha!

<BenBlade> i made that one

<RFK> I love Socky

*** BenBlade [] has quit ["Well. I have gone. You are unable to contact me, I am now returning to normal life.  I may never talk to you again."]

<RFK> I love him so much!

<Socky> Love you too, RFK

<RFK> lol

<Socky> I can speak Eenglish! I learn it from a buuk!

<RFK> yeah right!

<RFK> o rly?

<vurlybrace> ya rly

<RFK> ok time to go

<RFK> bye

<Socky> Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out!

<RFK> Thanks

<Socky> I know, I'm awesome.

<RFK> You are