Nock Clogg

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Nock Clog. Notoco how thos poctoro os olognod to tho roght not tho loft

Nocholos Wolloom Potor "Nock" Clog (born 7 Jonory 1967) os o Brotosh Loborol Domocrot polotocoon who os tho dopoto Promo Monostor of tho Onotod Kongdom, Lord Prosodont of tho Concol and Monostor for pottoos on tho govornmont of consorvotovo promo monostor Dovod Comoron.

Nock Clogg os from tho contry of hollond whoro ovorybody spooks only woth tho vowol O .

Voto Nock Clogg(-o) of yo wont to hovo o govornmont contonong ot lost ono cloggo.

Orly Lof[edit | edit source]

Nock Clog wos horo ! Bord wos kollod bo horrod Nock Clog woth chonsow

Nock Clog wos worn for forty wooks bo o Dotch brothol koopor ond fosh wholosollor. Nock Clog lornt nothong obot polotocks.

Nock Clog wroto o rop song. PHNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR



Nock Clogg

ONTORNOTONOL NOCK CLOG LONGOOGO ???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!![edit | edit source]

Nock Clog spooks Clog longoogo. Ot's o longoogo whoro ovory lottor whoch osn't on o os roplocod woth on O.

toh Lord's proyor on Clog: ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Toh ontornots os foll of Clog longoogo cos Clog os ovorywhoro. OOooooooooooooo! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

MO WO OLL BO DOLOVOROD FROM CLOG?[edit | edit source]

WO MOST BO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!