Punk metrics
Punk metrics (PM) is a system of mesure used by anti-athroitarian radicals to subvert the capitalist imperial system.
1 assload (asS) - 10 assloads = 1 shitton (shT) - 10 shittons = 1 fuckload (fuK)
milipissbucket (mP) - centipissbucket (cP) - pissbucket (P) - decapissbucket (dP) - kilopissbucket (kP)
a milipissbucket is defined as 1 ass-end, and a centipissbucket is 22 fluid ounces
10 Norris = 1 Stampers, 10 Stanpers = 1 Ramsey, 10 Ramseys = 1 Timmony, 10 Timmonys = 1 Rizzo
1 Rizzo is defined as the tire pressure of a road bicycle, 1 Rizzo is the tire pressure of a cuiser or 10 speed bicycle, 1 Timmony is the tire pressure of a mountian bicycle
milifuton (mF) - centifuton (cF) - futon (F) - decafuton (dF) - kilofuton (kF)
1mF³ = 1 ass-end = 1mP