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Pyradents, like pyramids, are humongobolous triangular prisms found in the desert. Like anal cavities, they protrude inwards into their owner: the earth. But unlike anal cavities, pyradents do not excrete fecal matter or leftover beads from entertainment sessions. Instead it holds shame.

This photorealisurrealistic rendition of a pyradent is shown juxtapositioned next to a 97.3445 foot man for size. Metric system is better, by the way. Diagram not to scale.

History[edit | edit source]

Pyradents were not built by Egyptian workers—in fact, they were not built at all. Simpleton. Building requires adding or forming structures above land. Pyradents were dug into the dirt by a poor lad with a wooden spoon. It took him xigno babilisizioniociosmion quatrayears to complete. Some say he is still wandering in the sand today. That's right. In the sand. By now he has possibly inhaled and ingested amounts of sand that is dangerous for the the human body cannot take. YUMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other[edit | edit source]

I'm getting sleepy. In conclusion, Pyradents are cool, in conclusion. Things can be stored in them. Even beads.

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