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Ohhhhh god. Do NOT make me tell you the ultra-spooky story of Spookytubesock.

No, I wanna hear it![edit | edit source]

Well, don't say I didn't warn you.

It was a cold, Ditzimber night, and I was editing pages on Illogicopedia ---

WHATZ ILLOGICPEEDYUH??[edit | edit source]

It's a thing. Shut up.

So, as I was saying, I was editing pages on Illogicopedia, when I heard a strange muffling noise beneath my feet. I glanced down, but all I saw was the ground. My feet sort of stung, although that was probably the fact that the floor was on fire. That's not the point, though. I bent my head under my desk to investigate. At the back right corner of my desk, I saw it - - a TUBE SOCK

DUN DUN DUUUUUUUNNNN[edit | edit source]

OK, you didn't have to do that.

AAAAAAaaaaaanyway, I saw the tube sock, our souls piercing one another, my face sweating with uncontrollable fear, as I realized my fate of doom and destruction and death and doorknobs and dinosaurs and OTHER THINGS THAT START WITH D!!!!!!

But, why were you scared of a tube sock?[edit | edit source]

Oh, this was no ordinary tube sock. It had a paper cutout of a dolphin stapled to it. That made it different. But WHO'S TELLING THIS STORY BUB? So...... I ran downstairs, in pursuit of an exit, only to find the doors barred with a sign that read: "NO ESCAEP FRUMM TEH SPOOKYTUBESOCK!!!!! MWAHAHAHAAA". I tried to break a window with my trusty hammer, Miekia, but it (the hammer) shattered to pieces with a single touch. Not that I tried using it as a hammer before, due to it being made of small bits of porcelain tied together with week-old cobwebs, but hey, it was a chance, right? Anyway, I figured the only way out was digging a hole through the concrete walls with the remnants from Miekia, and then up outside of the house. So I ran downstairs as fast as I could. But little did I know another spookytubesock was awaiting my arrival...

Uh... OK...[edit | edit source]

It terrorized me in ways you could not imagine. It played Monopoly with me - - with MISSING PIECES! OH, THE HORRORS! I ran and ran and ran and ran and ran and then I hit a wall... things got fuzzy... And then I woke up and realized it was just a dream. Funny, huh?

OK bye, gotta do the laundry[edit | edit source]