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This is the first 2 chapters and the intro of my new book I'm writing

Intro[edit | edit source]

The ice skate is trying to eat the carrotify which results in the wisely of the ice skate which could cause the joyful ice skate wisely ice skate which is the flippy flop of flippy flop of carrotify and cheese. because of this ice skate is trying to beside the Death Cheese with the ice skate of the carrotify of the joyful cheese.

Chapter One Dead[edit | edit source]

Oh why did the ice skate eat the Meme is a mystery, as beside wisely ate the carrotify's ice skate with the ice skate being eaten the carrotify's life changed into a churns of death.

Oh why did this wiggle with the camera with the of man of doom

but why would the ice skate eat the churns 1 times while mumbling this to a lasagna while they grapified the carrotify with the ice skate

Why? Nobody cares lets just go to chapter 1

Chapter uh...[edit | edit source]

(chapter 1)

Why is the ice skate's ice skate eating the other ice skate's ice skate while mumbling a lasagna with the ice skate's Death Cheese

The reason is carrotify is a ice skate (GASP) the ice skate said because 1 is the number of Death Cheese that ice skate has.

no one likes ice skate because he launch while eating memes from the ice skate of death and doom and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

ice skate is carrotify with wisely and beside joyful ice skate