An URRRGH Salon is a beauty salon designed for straight men who want makeovers, but are insecure about compromising their manliness. The "URRRGH" in the salon's name is meant to be a manly grunting noise that one might make while chopping wood, chasing wild beasts through the woods, fixing a car, or doing other such manly activities.
"We realize that there are many men who want to have their hair fixed up and their nails done, but they're afraid of being called gay," says an URRRGH Salon founder, "So I've built a beauty salon in which they can be comfortable."
In URRRGH Salons, haircuts are performed with lawnmowers or weedwackers, and manicures are done with chainsaws and other heavy machinery.
"Getting makeovers is perfectly manly, as long as you remember to crush beer cans, sweat, fire guns, and say the F-word occasionally," says one loyal customer.
And so forth.