User:Sithman8/Feeling Reflection Theorum

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Feeling Reflection Theorem[edit | edit source]

The ‘Feeling Reflection Theorem’ takes into account mental state and stability when establishing the outcome of certain actions and prepared/unprepared events. It combines technical skill, self judgements and energy management of areas, motions and feelings, and places them in an equation.

S - Likelihood of finding Sasquatch (%) Z - energy before action (% of negative/positive E (see underneath)) E - type of energy eo - expected outcome (% of outcome) O - outcome

Basketball Theory[edit | edit source]

The theory was coined by Dr. Sam Williams and Dr. Andrew Harbottle, and proven using simple enactments of basketball; proclaiming that self belief is just as, if not more important, than technique and skill when attempting to score points in the game. They discussed that a game in which points were not being scored, and team morale was low, subjects performed less amiably when confidence was high. They also found that certain ritualistic techniques could be used, when believed in, to aid the overall outcome of a shot. For example, the rubbing of the balls exterior before throwing towards the hoop helped increase success, as did the gentle bouncing on the ground. It can be believed that showing signs of affection, or care towards the object increases positive energy, positive energy which directly influences the subjects belief that they are going to score a point. An increase in belief is an increase in concentration, and subjects were found to take a lot more care in their shots, perfecting their techniques and ultimately succeeding.

Negative energy works in the opposite way as positive. It can be produced in a number of ways, mainly by an over determination to believe you will succeed I.e. arrogance, or forced confidence. Alternatively, a lack of confidence in general subtracts from the likelihood of success, and it works both ways. Therefore, the point at which self belief becomes useful and a hindrance is often unclear, though it is considered a positive thing if the subject displays a certain degree of modesty at all times, though this is unlikely, as continual success often results in arrogance developing. An over indulging of objects relieves it of it’s positive energy in interesting fashion. By kissing, or growing a close connection with the ball (for example) subjects lessened the chance of success. It could be argued that inanimate objects gain emotion or feeling towards others and dislike being parted by , this can be proven by the decreased success when these actions occur, and there was a significant difference when these actions ceased and normal play (without said interactions with the ball) resumed.

This equation relates directly to the effectiveness of a shot in basketball, it follows the idea that success is based on the subjects mentality as well as skill.

X - degree at which object is thrown Yp - power of throw multiplied by pie to accurately display its effectiveness when thrown through the air