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<THE>let's figure this prison thingy out!
<TReich_>for the ending bit/half whatever
<TReich_>should we play on the thing that's majorly wrong with reality tv<TReich_>i.e. satire?
<THE>yeah that sounds good
<THE>hang on a second I'm trying to get to the artikle
<TReich_>did you think that leatest scene worked biobeard?
<THE>yes indeed I did* TReich_straps a strap-on to his hcin* TReich_ponders* THEponders too
<THE>I feel like we've already done so much with Chuck's insane fondness for violence and sexuality
<THE>it's like...
<THE> could we come up with a climax that doesn't just feel like a repeat of what he's already done?
<TReich_>well that's what i was working on
<TReich_>how's this?
<THE>perhaps if he somehow ended up at the White House, arguing in favor of fighting wars in football stadiums for the public's entertainment
<TReich_>Chuck realises that like all reality tv shows they get recommissioned and the same old formula, i.e.e sex and violence in his case, is rebroadcast until it dulls the viewer into changing channel
<THE>that's an interesting idea. having Chuck suddenly see how screwed up the industry is?
<TReich_>yeah but
<TReich_>...he's intellectually reduced all critics and intellectuals into moronic subservience to it and ends up hating his creation, and is unable to escape from it
<TReich_>or something<
THE>so his show would actually end up gettin' aired?
<TReich_>we arent really taking into account the show within a wider show thing* THEvaguely scrolls up and down the existing artikle
<THE>yeah I was thinking about that too.
<TReich_>what kind of program would the big one be
<TReich_>like a documentary, sitcom?
<THE>perhaps a scientific documentary on the insanity of the television industry
<THE>although reality would probably maximize the irony
<TReich_>one idea
<TReich_>would be to take the show within a show element into extremes, with multiple shows doing it, eventually culminating in the3 article itself
<THE>hahhahaha yes, tnhat would be preposterous
<TReich_>do you want to go with that?
<THE>that way the climax would just be the repeated revelations about the show being a show etc.
<TReich_>:p we could crack some jokes there
<TReich_>making of, documentaty, mockumentary, 
<TReich_>weird fetish porn anyway
<TReich_>the fetish or irony
<THE>a documentary about the life of a filmmaker filming a voyeuristic porn film of another film maker filming a reality show about another film maker filming a film maker who thinks he's a real filmmaker
<SilentPenguin>what is groanin on?
* Sockypops his collar, runs a driving-gloved hand through his spiked hair, looks knowingly over his aviator sunglasses and with a shit-eating grin flashes a double-thumbs-up.
<TReich_>save that sentence somewhere
<TReich_>they can talk about some guy they've heard who's making it into an article, but it's just speculation
<THE>perhaps the last sentence could be, "just then, the reader decided that the story was getting far too confusing, and promptly stopped reading the article to watch The Real World."
<TReich_>haha yeah
<TReich_>and then we all sit back, chink our glasses, get rejected unanimously at the VFF and cry
<THE>perhaps at some point some TV producers could promptly start dismantling the jail and building a quiz show set or something
<TReich_>chuck gets fired
<TReich_>breach of contract from some power he didn't know about
<TReich_>or not
<THE>and the prisoners would all promptly remove their jail outfits and dress up like quiz show contestents
<THE>and Chuck could just kinda get shoved over to the side of the set
<TReich_>chuck is made to hold the tape recorder with gameshow music
<THE>or perhaps he could be the one who gets fed to the lions at the end of the episode, as a gimmick to bring in viewers
<TReich_>that gives me an idea
<THE>of course they'd have lions on the set of the quiz show. What's a quiz show without lions?* THEstrokes his beard, which is actually a live lion taped to his face
<TReich_>if we kill off chuck we could have a weird surreal perusal through the messed up multi layered industry
<THE>yeah they could carry his body around the studio looking for a show that could use it, or something.
<THE>"We've got this dead carcass! Any shows need a dead carcass?"
<THE>"Is it a hot girl?"
<TReich_>he gets lumbered on the faith healers show :P
<TReich_>they use their psychic magic to 'revive” him
<TReich_>basically attach strings and pull him around
<THE>perhaps he could then become a puppet on a children's show
<TReich_>and then a carpet on the shopping channel
<THE>or the main character in a documentary about decomposition
<TReich_>all of them
<TReich_>just cycle through as the multi layered thing goes on?
<THE>his skull could end up in a billboard for the TV industry, as the letter O or a period at the end of a sentence
<TReich_>something mroe ironic maybe
<TReich_>a billboard ad for radio :O
<TReich_>or something
<TReich_>or a funeral themed gameshow
<TReich_>coffin dodgers!
<TReich_>who can dodge the barrage of coffins to claim the £+$50 prize
<TReich_>now with added reverence
<TReich_>what do you think THE, like what plan of action appeals most to you right now?
<THE>okay, so I'm thinkin...
<THE>1) he tries to organize one last stunt with the prisoners, and somehow finds out that HE is the subject of a television show.
<THE>2) perhaps THAT show could be another show within a show, to maximize the lunacy.
<THE>3) at some point the show gets canceled and the set gets dismantled in place of some other kind of show.
<THE>4) Chuck ends up dead (perhaps?) and his body gets used repeatedly for various surreal/grotesque/vaguely satirical things<THE>5) the article ends...somehow?
<TReich_>i've had an idea for 5
<TReich_>basically some black shirted guy with a clipboard walks up to his corpse and explains that by cancelled he meant with at least 3 follow up series of the show
<TReich_>and he needs to come back to life and film them or be in breach of contract
* Sockypops his collar, runs a driving-gloved hand through his spiked hair, looks knowingly over his aviator sunglasses and with a shit-eating grin flashes a double-thumbs-up.<
TReich_>i'll save this convo somewhere, because i've really got to go