What Causes Night And Day

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Ignore this part it was written by a sane person[edit | edit source]

The earth spins on its axis in relation to the sun making different parts of the earth to be illuminated at different times


MAGIC[edit | edit source]

Night and Day is caused by Memes Magic.

Magic is also not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not not the cause of stale bananas your exstance

PROOF[edit | edit source]

There is none you fool


Have you ever eaten a banana? If so you have felt magic flowing through your body which is 1st not JOSH! proof

2: does 2+2=5? if so you have not STOP IT JOSH witnessed magic

3: does meme+meme=the universe? if so magic Doesn't JOOOOOOOOSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHH! exist

not convinced?[edit | edit source]

Then you can go die in a toilet while drinking memes

No strike that.

That would be bad for business.

Final notes I SAID STOP memes[edit | edit source]

Sorry if this is short but I need to go shoot talk with Josh.
