Xylophone Lobster

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The Xylophone Lobster is a mythological creature that definitely exists, except it doesn't. Many eminent scientists have speculated about the existence of the xylophone lobster, but so far none have succeeded in proving its existence or lack thereof, although several did end up resigning their scientific career and becoming chartered accountants.

The Legend[edit | edit source]

According to myth, the xylophone lobster was once a real lobster, but then something mysterious involving xylophones. Since then it has been known as the xylophone lobster. Or has it? Nobody knows.

The Xylophone Lobster in Popular Culture[edit | edit source]

You know what? I don't want to talk about the xylophone lobster any more. I honestly don't have any more ideas. It wasn't even particularly funny anyway, was it? I mean, the idea was sound enough, it had comic potential, but then it just dried up. Honestly. I learn everything I knew about comedy from Monty Python and look where it's got me. Writing a rant at the bottom of an illogicopedia article. Why do I even care what you think? You disgust me! All of you! You wouldn't know proper comedy if it came up to you with a sign saying 'Look at me, look at me, I'm funny! Laugh!'. Anyway. I have more important things to do that write a pointless internet comedy article that no-one will ever read. I hate lobsters.