Ag bug

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The Ag bug (pronounced əɪː d͡ʒɪː bug or æg bug) is a rare species from the 1980s. It's beyond repair.

This Ag bag is a raRe bag from the 1180s. Cg098 inspects the special item. He finds the ag bag. It's beyond rEpair.

This Oggy bog is a rare-ru-raRe-ruh-rare article from the 9080s. Cg098 inspects this article to find any trash. If the article isn't trash, It stays. If the article is trash, it will be sent to the boneyard. The only contributor of the article is "Dr. Johnson" from Uncyc.

Cg098 then proceeds to drain the Kool-aid from the article. Then Cg098 falls asleep, because he's tired. Then, Taxworm takes his job by installing bubs to The Hub. Then he adds haha iso smash head hamer and i just farted sixteen times to the article. Is the article illogical? Some people say yes.

Many people believe that this 9080s throwback, is BEYOND REPAIR.

At this point, the Ag bug was 99 cents

Macklemore: It was 99 cents!

Taxworm compairs the ag bug with the DeLorean, and turns the DeLorean into a ReStorean. The Ag Bug is then turned into the Tax Worm. Deetsay says it's BeYoNd RePaIr.

Then, Taxworm places the ag bag into a tub called a hoh-alla-ahooh-allla-hollander rednalloh-HOH-hoh-Holland is filling with water.

Michael Rosen: Holland! OH NO THE- windmills!

Finally, Taxworm places a sheet of cheetah paper on top of the ag bag and the Oggy bog 9080s throwback on a felt. Which he then covers with another wet felt. Which he then covers with another sheet of paper. Which he then covers with another wet felt. Which he then covers with a nun.

At this point, Dr. Ant to knee a Johnson takes over Taxworm's job by taking care of the workers.

Workers work. Then, the machine beats the workers into a pulp. (BEEP) Begin the beating. (machine revs up)

Afterwards, the workers may also DIE, depending on the desired effect...
