Chess Championship: Part One

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Welcome back to the Chess Championship of 2023! It's a fierce fall night with lots of rain here in Califyoming, which means that it's a perfect time to play chess! Meet our two competitors, [error] and [redacted]! [error] will be playing as the black pieces, and [redacted] will play as the white pieces. Let the anarchy... begin!

Part 1.1: Normal Chess?[edit | edit source]

Black starts with a pawn move to H5.

White starts with a pawn move to C4.

Black turns his rook upside-down.

White replaces one of her pawns with a Cheez-It.

Part 1.2: Soda Overflow[edit | edit source]

Black elongates one of his knights and turns it into a bottle of Coca-Cola.

White elongates one of her knights and turns it into a bottle of Pepsi.

Black combines the Coca-Cola and Pepsi to make a bottle of Sprite.

White opens the Sprite, and it explodes all over the board, causing a river of Sprite to flow in the middle of it.

Black's pawn dies from the pure force of the Sprite.

Part 1.3: A Bishop Has Fallen Into the River in Lego City[edit | edit source]

White attempts to move her bishop to F4, but it slips and falls into the Sprite river.

Black's king tries to start the rescue helicopter.

White's rook is off to the rescue, as the rook is in a marital relationship with the bishop.

Black's king prepares the lifeline, lowers the stretcher, and makes the rescue.

White's bishop is finally out of the river.