IllogiBooks:Second Treatise of Civil Government

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When, in the courSss.PNGe of human eventSss.PNG, George Britain! Therefore, one can aSss.PNGsume that why equalSss.PNG Mexican pluSss.PNG bee; however, one can not aSss.PNGsume that all people are endowed by their creator with certain alien rightSss.PNG, and that among theSss.PNGe are the right to own a UFO, the right to invade Earth, and the right to have grey Sss.PNGkin. It iSss.PNG nonetheleSss.PNGs a well-known fact that ThomaSss.PNG JefferSss.PNGon haSss.PNG aSss.PNGsumed among the powerSss.PNG of the Earth, a decent reSss.PNGpect which the lawSss.PNG of nature and of nature'Sss.PNG god entitle him, but not George WaSss.PNGhington, who haSss.PNG no rights becauSss.PNGe he piSss.PNGsed off ThomaSss.PNG JefferSss.PNGon, who iSss.PNG the writer of thiSss.PNG document. ReSss.PNGolved, that TownSss.PNGend Sss.PNGhall be the firSss.PNGt preSss.PNGident of the United StateSss.PNG. ThiSss.PNG Congreß endet jetzt.