Talk:Driver's Education

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It's quite fun to write articles when you have a massive axe to grind, isn't it? --T3 05:16, 16 Yoon 2013 (UTC)

People need to know what this shit's all about. --Xappa, a noob and true idiot.\Communication 05:21, 16 Yoon 2013 (UTC)
You and I are the only people active on Illogicopedia right now. --Xappa, a noob and true idiot.\Communication 05:35, 16 Yoon 2013 (UTC)
Oh, don't get me wrong, it's fine to write with an axe to grind, you just want to keep it somewhat subtle. I mean, I've gotten better at subtlety over the years, and I know you will, too (as this one's axe-griding is a tad on-the-nose.) When I looked back at my old articles, I got so embarrassed at how nearly everything I said was me just trying to make a statement about how I felt about something, and I said I'd never do it again. Then I write Concentration Camps, my second article after returning and realize I was axe-grinding against military discipline and the like. The moral of the story is, it's fine and often a positive for you to have an opinion you're writing the article from, just make sure it doesn't get too obnoxious. I would really put the line at this article. I think if you go any more on-the-nose than this, it becomes a rant, which is fine in the right context, but an Illogicopedia article is often not the right context. I'm just glad to see new people around here. I hope I'm not intruding with all of this. It probably sounds self-aggrandizing and pretentious, right? (A surefire way of sounding pretentious is using "self-aggrandizing.") I apologize. --T3 05:38, 16 Yoon 2013 (UTC)
And on the second part (there was an edit conflict), not really. I mean maybe at this minute, but in the heyday of Illogicopedia, there were often times that no one was on. Quite frankly, I just wish more old users would be on so I could say hello to them (and collaborize). Alas, it isn't happening. --T3 05:38, 16 Yoon 2013 (UTC)
Thank you for the advice. I guess I didn't notice that my annoyance, fear, and anger may be coming through in my writing. I am quite stressed about the topic at the moment (actually have a test tomorrow), and seeing as this website is free, I jumped at the opportunity for free "therapy". And no, you don't sound pretentious, although the self-aggrandizing thing helped me learn a new word, so that may be borderline.... --Xappa, a noob and true idiot.\Communication 19:50, 16 Yoon 2013 (UTC)
It's fine. If you truly want to see what ranting going haywire can create, read some of my early articles (although, in my defense, I was twelve). And I am always giving out free advice because it makes me feel better about myself. In addition, I'm glad I taught you "self-aggrandizing." It is a long, intelligent-sounding word that describes something that simple words have a difficult time doing. --T3 04:55, 17 Yoon 2013 (UTC)