The Toast Paradox

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As we all hopefully know, toasters toast toast. If that toast is toasty, then the toaster is toasting a toasty toast. If that toast is even toastier, then the toaster is toasting a toastier toasty toast that is even toastier than the toast before the toastier toast. If that toast is at its toastiest, that toaster will toast up until it toasts itself, causing what we know as a Toast Paradox. This Toast Paradox causes our own world as a whole to toast, until our toasty toast world is toasty enough to toast other planets, causing us to have toasty Saturn, toasty Jupiter, and even toasty Uranus.[1] This causes other universes as we know it to toast, and maybe our entire existence will be made of toast. Every cell in our body would be toast. Our toast cells would toast up, causing every human in the world to combust and die. This entire theory can be described with a simple toastologic equation.

This equation defines the entire concept of toast itself, and possibly the entire universe as a whole.

  1. Stop laughing. It's not funny.