The story of the life of a levitating goblin

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Preface[edit | edit source]

Here is a story, the story is here
It makes as much sense as a flying green ear
So all come and here my story to tell

Chapter One - Introduction, or maybe just duction[edit | edit source]

Once upon, or perhaps, twice, in my mathematical terms, a time, or a space, or a chocolate if you like, there was, or was not, or maybe you just don't understand. Aha! Yes, that is good. So anyway, a goblin named Steve. Yes, these words are in some sort of order, let's continue on our way, can this possibly be, be, B - E - E THE GOBLIN'S NAME WAS STEVE!!!!!! OR MAYBE MARLA IF YOU LIKE!!!!!! Now this goblin lived in a cottage, or maybe cottage cheese, or maybe a cheese cottage, or maybe a duck. Now if it was a duck, this duck would be green. Now, green is not maybe safe. Yes, this goblin was definitely my aunt. Or your aunt. Or my uncle. Or a duck? CAN DUCKS LIVE IN DUCKS LIVE IN DUCKS LIVE IN DUUUUUUUUCKS??? I must note to myself, that would be a great banjo solo. banjo. 5-4=1+2=3-4=duck. knew it.

Chapter Two - Green, Orange, Purple[edit | edit source]

So this goblin, this, this, this, duck in its prime of emotion, this, this, swimming pool full of tepid waffles, this, this, this, this duck! And the green, of the duck, could have not been safe, was never safe, was already one out of the three secondary collard greens, or colors, or colours, but mostly colors, and this was not right. Already was orange and purple to be seen, maybe, in a far away elevator in the heights of the innermost mind junkyard, of sorts, sort of. Sort of, sort of orange? No, that could not possibly or maybe considerably be by any standards, standing any...thing. So, then, green was that orange, but not quite purple enough to be visible to my mind's treasure trash trove of trinkets and other assorted trees. Damn, this is way more serious than chapter one. But what about that goblin?

Chapter Three - on the essence of the question of the anniversary of the day mankind took a big dump all over philosophy, and if/when that day will come, what if, and what when, and will we all see our nauseating revelation that ducks should not be pea-soup green, and etc.[edit | edit source]

So, yes, this intermission has worn greatly on the silver cloth that is the evidence of the goblin or of the goblinduck or maybe even of the gobluck and that maybe I should make these chapters longer or maybe I should make 100 or maybe, yes, maybe, I need to make an article in more than one day, but I do not want it to be seen that I have this revelation, this skyrocketing rocket of the sky, this, this, this, this, this, this, hits, stih, tihs, shit, this, duck and that the duck, duck, duck, dukakis, goose will not annihilate me absolutely that this poetry of absolute murkiness of murkinehehehehehehehehehehehehehessssssssssssssssseeeeeefloomp and will I be taken seriously at the glorious and totally eeble hands of the AID EPOC IGOLLI or will it perhaps all be in vain, and in this same vein, i find no diamonds, nor any coal for that matter, but there is some blood, and in the blood of this bloody bloody by-our-lordy statement of this story about this, this, this, this, gobduck, and the ehtseturruh has lost its authenticity and next will come, come what it will, the truth.

Chapter Four - The Truth[edit | edit source]

The story is about a nurturing cab driver who is in debt to an opinionated gas station attendant. It takes place in a tourist town on a swamp planet. The question of when a machine becomes human is a major part of the story. no, well, yes, well, maybe. Alright, alright, back to the goblin-duck-cab driver, the green destroys the gas station. The truth is, you are loyal, if you have read this far.

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        and so it seems.

Chapter Five - Will this really go to 100? If so, that might be one of the largest articles ever.[edit | edit source]

This story will surely go unfinished. Is the goblin the driving point? The goblin was only a ghost, a facade to the true and everlasting service of human/duckkind. And so that goblin could be changed into anything, a gnome perhaps, and that this, this, this, this, this is how I will go on:



the gobduck is stuck in a blank swamp world

and we see

it is not alone

there are others

and it was green

Chapter Six - l_e_v_i_t_a_t_i_o_n[edit | edit source]

not to be fraudulent

this gobduck was afloat, for it's life it chuckled with glee, being 3 feet above the ground, like a balloon with a wily beak that we all know too much, and golly...I mean, igolli just look it floated heights above the cliffs and it thought it could not die, but, as we all know too well about the nature of uninvincible levitating gobducks and that the driving scare is g-g-g-g-g-g-green too many as you haven't noticed in a lot of my articles repitition of six why IDK alright and the gobduck that was not dead thought it could not die and it could die and that it would die is another matter altogether - for chapter 47 and yes, soon, with YOUR help, there will be a chapter 47 and that this WILL go to chapter 100 but perhaps that is beside the point, and on point, besides, to point out that this goblin has had nothing happened to, for nothing was to have happened, except maybe that it was on a lonely planet and that it could die, and but so therefore not a gobducks

Chapter Seven - Chocolate break[edit | edit source]

  • munch* *munch* *burp* OK, now that that was over with

Chapter Eight - what happens in this surprisingly less-psycopathic-than-average brain[edit | edit source]

sometimes I forget to see and look back and what I do see is a sea of open wonders, that maybe, just maybe someone, one one will read whatever is labeled under insanity, sadly, I am quite normal in most circumstances, except, perhaps here ppppppeeeeeerrrrrrhhhhhhaaaaaappppppssssss this is not the point, and as point as pointy or as a dot that is not a dot, but this, this, this, this, this, this, point! ! ! ! ! ! well these chapters are tiny enough, one paragraph, probably could read this whole article in 2 minutes if one cared, - - - - - - but one does care, and that is UUUUUUsssssseeeeeerrrrrr::::::PPPPPPiiiiiiddddddddddddlllllleeeeeerrrrrrOOOOOOffffffTTTTTTrrrrrroooooouuuuuusssssseeeeeerrrrrrssssss and it has been stretched to stress without stress and with each letter having its own army and the explanation is now END

So, uh, yes, I am soon to see this sea

Chapter Nine - How to read this story[edit | edit source]

! Stop sleeping for 72 hours @ Read this story it will all make sense.

Chapter Ten - Yes, truly, progress[edit | edit source]

This is not a person.

Nor is it a telephone...

and this is true.

Well alright I see that these chapters are getting shorter, words are dying. And when we see upon this notpersonnortelephone, we know that words are dead. they have not lived is correcter. Well then it seems that well I don't know ghost of levitating gobduck. Balloooooooooooooooons. This is definitely not the case, nor does this follow suit. Aaaaaaand well I don't know it's just not funny and this gibberish coming out of my fingers the gobduck said. Bduc. bduckubcdgobgob. Now that that is out of my system, it is time to roll over and sing myself a song.

Chapter Eleven Whosiwhatsits[edit | edit source]

Whosiwhatsits enters this story, ya got it? OK, OK, OK, OK, OK, OK. so anyway, Whosiwhatsits is walking down the steets, of the city, of the country, of the continent, of the planet, and happens to happen to happen to see that one levitating not floating gobduck. And this happens - - - Whosiwhatsits says "hi".