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Definition[edit | edit source]

Yugioh is an alternative drug typically used by twelve-year-olds and thirty year old neckbeards alike. Typically these drugs come in packets, typically known as "packs" by the community.

Early History[edit | edit source]

Ancient accounts dating back to 500 million B.C say this game birthed itself into existence when some corporate a**holes at Konami got high as f**k and mass produced thousands of copies of Kazuki Takahashi's rare cardboard collection. They soon found out that just selling the plain cardboard didn't work so they began printing pictures of their LSD trips on them around 1035 A.D. Today, there is a massive fandom built around the drug with people going as far to compete in how fast they can snort a 10 gallon bucket of it. The current record is 10.45 seconds.

Yu-gi-oh Today[edit | edit source]

Today, the only know dweebs that still abuse this drug are ten year olds that got incarcerated for stealing it. They generally go into hiding to avoid sunlight and are rarely seen outside their town comic book store where they congregate to share drugs. Sometimes, different flavors of cards are printed allowing for different highs depending on the type. The mango flavored is the most highly esteemed as it gives a high of up to 10 hours from just a single card with the effect of a barrel of shrooms.

The Clan Wars[edit | edit source]

With the rise of other drugs such as Pokemon and Magic the Gathering, many kids have been led by hallucinations while under the influence of their drugs to start small riots. Generally they take place in small comic book stores and rarely last more than ten minutes before one of the sides gets bored.

The Great War of 2008[edit | edit source]

It was 2008 and another small riot had broken out in a crack house but escalated quickly. It started between a Magic clan and the Yu-gi-oh! clan. One of the Yu-gi-oh! members banished the cashier to the shadow realm after missing his spell. This meant the store was now dead. Furious with the actions of the Yu-gi-oh! clan, the Magic and Pokemon clans banded together for the first time ever and went to war against the Yu-gi-oh! clan. It was absolute war for years. It was brutal to the point of people ODing on heath potions. It only got worse when the treaty between the card race and the anime race was broken after someone trespassed on anime soil. With the anime race approaching from the north, the card race knew that they had to stick together as one people and defend their selves against the anime race. The war stretched on across nearly an entire room. People were being killed left and right as spells were cast and over sized gun-swords were being drawn. Soon, a third competitor rose from the east in the sunrise of the day. The manga race had entered the fight. From then the war lasted over a decade of brutal fighting between the three races of crack heads. The war was finally ended by a treaty between race leaders that was signed on April 20, 2009. The three races live in some-what peace to this day.

Crack would be cheaper