Ziggy Stardustitis

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cuz ziggy is a ziggypus Ziggy Octopus Like imagine Ziggy living in the ocean with Angela aww they like each other ack no aAngela has cooties ewewewewewe bye ur gross hey iman sexy pants lawl i want a zoctopusziggyus zaggy eman lolwut i got them ol kozmic blues again mama Like Jareths bulge in his pants sexy wut thats gross i dont get it i want a cookie

Remember?[edit | edit source]

You remind me of a large mouse. Not a rat, but a large mouse. Your snide expression, cynical thoughts...

The Actual Disease[edit | edit source]

The disease isn't really a disease. In fact, David Bowie was born with it. David had lots of iron in his hair, and it rusted to become an orangish-red color. This inspired David to eat a cookies and a cookie with white frosting and a large butt cookie butt wut lol