*jumps on flying table*

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Following the events of No Cheezits?

Oh, hello. Welcome to the void. I'm pretty sure you're wondering how you got here. You ran out of Cheezits, and everyone knows that if you run out of Cheezits, you end up in the void. I, uh, see that you have some hieroglyphs in your pocket. I'll just take those and stuff them in the glyph room. It's the room where we stuff visitors' symbols and texts. With all of that out of the way, let's give you a tour of the place. *gives you a wood block that says 'a tour of the place'* Okay, for real, let's give you a tour of the place.

The Tour of The Place[edit | edit source]

On your left, you'll see a portal to the ever-consuming nothingness that is death. We will push you into it if you don't obey the rules. On your right, you'll see Sam. She's kind of a visitor around here. She- Oh... It appears that she is being attacked by a cow. We'll get back to her later. If you look up, you'll see a door. That's the glyph room. It's where I placed your hieroglyphs. If you want to retrieve them, climb inside the door. No? Suit yourself. Well, anyway, you see that thing over there? That's the internet. We Voidinians have created a live physical representation of the entire internet. Why watch YouTube when you can hold YouTube? Why watch TikTok when you can throw TikTok? The possibilities are endless.

The Final Decision[edit | edit source]

So, you wanna stay or not?

Yes[edit | edit source]

That's great! Just sit right there and we'll fix you up a room.

No[edit | edit source]

Well, that's a shame. Come on, hop inside the Cheezit box. It'll take you to Earth.