A noob found the formatting cheatsheet
Holy cow![edit | edit source]
I click the little glasses icon and I can see the phrase "Holy cow!" written like a wiki article!
Ooh, what's this do?
But that didn't look like math. What are you trying to pull? math+math=math math divided by pi =ihrgioerhgiorhighriehghhhhhhhhhegioheroghkethgk
What they're trying to pull, in Level Four heading[edit | edit source]
It just kinda looked like bold. How the heck did I even find this site? I think I was looking for a picture of hoisen sauce and something from this web÷ MATH SYMBOLS!≠−±·§§§§§Ha. It says "sup". Oh, it's an insertable superscriptinsertable superscriptinsertable subscript? Well, son of a batch. That didn't work like I wanted it to.
=More stuff in Level Four heading?[edit | edit source]
Apparently an equals sign schlepped its way in there. Also, I just discovered horizontal lines.
What happens if I try typing stuff in the space between the heading and the lines?
lala'''''Bold text'''''Italic text'''Italic text''Italic text'Italic text'''Bold text''''Bold textItalic text'''''''''''Wow, apostrophes.
So how do I upload pics from my computer?
[[[]]]That looks like a belt buckle.
In closing, I'll probably screw with the Sonkday article. Thanks for the scheese.