The path

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The pea soup. Eh, done is done. The rock is split, might as well carve it as cry over it. Ford Pinto... Reverse osmosis... Neurotoxin... I should put on a face, now. Go out into the world and pretend to be a member of society... Cowbell... But I like being miserable. Simple. It is what the faceless desire. Life is strange and the alternatives, even stranger. "Bread knife... Asparagus... Happiness will prevail."

Of course we're planning on getting shot with arrows! Didn't you get the memo? Extension cord... Idiot... Straight, squiggly, roundabout... Lollipop... They do not wander. They dare not wander, and they do not know what lies beyond the border of the Madness. The helicopter operates via helicoptation. Sometimes they are afraid. I know nothing. Let us go, then, you and I... Furry... Fissile uranium... Giants looming out of the mist... Hotdog waffle... Trees, ferns... Cowbell... Ten-foot pole... "Glass orb..."

Cheese is so slippery... Sea bass... There is no way to tell without sesame seed oil. My right brain is an arse.

It's just an object. Doesn't mean what you think.