Battle of the Birmingham Sewers

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Battle Of The Birmingham Sewers[edit | edit source]

Tank that Meesus used in the Battle Of The Birmingham Sewers
He has cool glasses
Shmao Zowdong being completely chill in his final moments.

At this point, both armies knew that they either died a horrible yet heroic death or won a brutal and gruesome victory. There was no making peace now.
Each leader, commanding his armies of roughly 130,000 strong each, set out to wage war. On the 14th of April, 1929, after raising his armies and preparing for months the Shmaoists along with Shmao Zowdong himself carried out a surprise attack on the Birmingham Sewers. Although they had the element of surprise, the Meesus supporters knew the terrain well. The Shmaoists easily took out many battalions of Meesus' soldiers however the alarm was soon raised and the real battle began. Many survivors of that battle claim that it was the most horrific bloodbath they have ever witnessed.

I couldn't tell who was friend or foe....... *bzzzzt*.... DESTROY, DALEKS DESTROY....... *BZZZZWwwwwooopppp* ....shutting down.
-Stephen Hawking

The battle was going badly for Shmao Zowdong and he knew his end was near. He was attack from the side by a small group of highly trained soldiers led by Meesus Mice. He was captured and beaten to death with glasses (the ones you drink from, not the ones you wear) as Meesus though it would be a sad yet fitting and ironic end for him (see the record for The Most Glasses Balanced On One's Fingertips At Once). Meesus still regrets bludgeoning his friend to death however he still stands by his statement;
"I needed the money"