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Pilot: Hey, commander. Hey. Can you hear my voice? Huh? Can you?

Commander: Yes...

Pilot: Isn't this so cool? I'm on the runway, and I can see in front of me all these things to press, like switches and buttons... and I can see you! In your control booth thing over there! Can you see me waving? Can you? Can ya, can ya, CAN YA?!

Commander: Yes. Anyway, just stick to what you learned at training, and you should be fine.

Pilot: Wow... I'm in a big plane... just a few months ago, I was sitting in my house thinking, "I could totally be a pilot..." and now here I am! It's so amazing! When do I take off? I wanna fly this bad boy through the air and look out the window at all the cool stuff!

Commander: -sighs heavily- whenever you're ready...

Pilot: Okay, I'm re... -interrupted by a loud, feedbacky version of Never Gonna Give You Up- hold on, let me just get this call... hello, dad... nah, I can talk. What's up? Uh huh... uh huh... uh-huh... sure, okay. Sweet! Bye.

Commander: Ready to set off yet?

Pilot: That was my dad! Guess what he said...

Commander: Are you ready to set off yet, pilot?

Pilot: Just... just guess what he said.

Commander: -heavy sigh- What did he say?

Pilot: He said... that he's taking me and my brother to KFC! Isn't that awesome? I get to do my first flight, then I get to go to KFC! This is the greatest day of my life!

Commander: Brilliant. Just tell me when you're ready to set off.

Pilot: Yeah... yeah, I'm ready now. -sound of a can opening-

Commander: What was that?

Pilot: ...nothing.

Commander: You can't drink during the flight. It might spill on the dashboard.

Pilot: Oh, alright then. Jeez. -throws it out of the window, hitting an old woman in the face and rendering her unconscious-

Commander: Alright, I'm gonna send the order through to begin your flight now.

Pilot: 'Kay, then, get on with it. I have to go to KFC! Did I tell you my dad's taking me and my bro-

Commander: and your brother to KFC, yes, I know. Alright, begin flight in 3, 2...

-plane leaves runway-

Commander: Alright, you're now flying the plane. Just press the red switch if you want to...

Pilot: The red switch? Okay! -presses it-

Commander: ...blow up the plane. Retard.

Pilot: Why didn't you tell me that?

Commander: I tried to -sniggers-

Pilot: How do I stop it?

Commander: You can't... -holding back laughter-

Pilot: Well, overall, this has been a big load of bullsh-