Caressing the anus of a living spaceship
Itself a concordance of superior flagons, the pointy aliens once more got the poop end of the stick. Carpathian tunnels notwithstanding, pilots have all been placed on standby. Bottle returns are up 14% this month.
This whole thing could have been prevented if people would just wake up to the true reptilian conspiracy. Francis E. Dec was on to something, oh yea, was he ever? In fact, were there not trace amounts of amphetamines in public drinking water across the country, I wouldn't be typing so quickly.
Where was I? Oh, right. Catamount is to paramount as enema is to ______? Properly answered, the resultant paradox, properly meditated upon, may produce a "little satori". Those of us brought up in the Western tradition may well watch the television series "Evolution". In this simulation, there are no heros. Many anti heroes, but certainly not enough to butter your macaroni.