Cryllic script

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“Цѕе рарег. Весацѕе Моѕт еvегүвоԃү цѕе тнӏѕ.[This Can't Be True]

~ Cryllicboi07 on just about every website about Cryllic script[This Can't Be True]

cгүllіҫ ѕҫrӏҏt ӏѕ ӑ шгӏtӏйԍ цsэԃ ъү шэӏяԃ ҏэѻҏlэs.[This Can't Be True]

The nerds seem to have an article about it, but it's named Cyrillic instead of Cryllic, what nerds they are.[This Can't Be True]

For those who can't handle the real truth, the spinners of fake truth at Wikipedia have a thoroughly boring article on Cryllic script.

Ecksternal ѕрам[edit | edit source]

Original boring article for those who can't handle the real truth

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